Chanters will be critiqued in the following areas:
MELE (Chant):
Appropriateness of poetic text for competition
Mastery of poetic text (words)
LEO (Voice):
Chant style complements mele
Mastery of style
Enunciation appropriate to chant style
Voice quality
Tempo (pace of chanting)
Phrasing and rhythm
KINO (Body):
Bodily movements
Appearance (Chanter’s grooming, attire, and adornments must be traditional and culturally appropriate and should reflect the time period referred to in oli).
Presentation must last a minimum of one (1) minute. The entire performance, including the entrance and the exit from the performance area may not exceed a total of eight (8) minutes. Timing will start when any of the following occurs:
- Chanter or group member steps into the performance area.
- Chanting or music begins.
- Kāhea is called.
- Any spoken word, i.e., narration, announcement, dedication, etc. Timing will end when he inoa is called or when Chanter exits performance area.
Total overall impression of presentation, visual that was seen, words that were heard, mana that was felt.
Points may be deducted for the following:
- Failing to provide oli translation as required
- Going under 1 minute or over 8 minutes.